
Join Dr. Yakel's one of a kind twelve month program to better brain health. Whether you are seeking to prevent, slow, stop, or even reverse symptoms of cognitive decline, this program is designed to help you get to the root cause while providing you with all the tools you need to begin improving your brain health today.


Here's What You Get

Weekly videos based on cutting edge brain science and research to  guide you through a step by step process to help you achieve better brain health

Monthly functional health webinars on all topics brain related including inflammation, hormones, blood sugar, detoxification, anti-inflammatory diet, and more

Live monthly "Ask Dr. Jonah Anything"

Access to Dr. Jonah's exclusive members only Brain+ podcasts to guide you through your healing journey

Access to a members only community of like minded people


Brain  Recovery Roadmap

Bonus Tools & Content

You will also obtain access to exclusive bonus content, tools, and materials to help you further achieve you health goals.

  • Access to members only worksheets, checklists, and guides providing step by step instructions detailing each area of the recovery program.
  • Step by step modules on how to successfully navigate mold related illness and the Shoemaker Protocol
  • Tools and strategies to support nervous system health by overcoming mental emotional blocks to healing including polyvagal practices and heart based meditation
  • Access to Dr. Jonah's exclusive protocols for targeting cardiovascular, digestive, and hormone support
  • Access to brain and mold specific labs
  • Discounts on all of Dr. Jonah's favorite professional grade supplements
  • Personalized Q and A

Monthly Functional Health Talks

You will gain access to Dr. Jonah's in-depth functional health talks to provide you with the most up to date tools and strategies to support brain health.

Topics include how to:

  • Heal your brain with food
  • Eliminate inflammation
  • Support healthy hormone levels
  • Balance blood sugar
  • Detoxify the brain and body of environmental toxins
  • Successfully navigate mold related illness and the Shoemaker Protocol

Exclusive Content and Community Support

True, meaningful, healing takes a village. Gain access to a members only community of like minded people seeking to live vibrant, healthy lives to support you on your journey to better health and healing.


Brain +

We are looking for people who are ready to do the deep work required to reclaim their health and to restore healthy brain function. True healing often requires focus and dedication. If we decide to work with each other, we will be fully committed to helping you reach your health goals while challenging you to stay committed to your own healing process.

The demand for working with Dr. Yakel is high and only a few clients are accepted bi-monthly to make sure that each and every client receives a custom experience.

Please take your time filling out the application to provide Dr. Yakel with insight into your unique health challenges and goals.

There is a $99 upfront fee for the call that can be applied to the cost of any testing that is ordered. After the application is submitted, you'll be directed to a checkout page to pay this fee. After payment, you'll be contacted by our team to book your call.